Down syndrome apnea - tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

Two weeks after our sleep study we were scheduled for a T&A (August 2011). In preparation for the surgery we had a cervical XRay to check the atlanto-dens interval. It was within normal limits. It is really important for the anesthesiologist to know if it's safe to extend the neck during the surgery and to be on alert for possible complications due to the muscle relaxing effects of anesthesia. Seriously, there was an article published about two weeks ago about a 7 years old boy (did not have DS) who had undiagnosticated  atlanto-axial instability and who developed quadriplegia after an elective surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids. We were told by our ENT and the anesthesiologist that even with the normal results, they will still be very careful and will operate with the neck in neutral position.

Our surgery was short and painless. The recovery was everything but. We spend the night in the hospital, which is standard procedure for children with documented apnea - they have too much air all of the sudden and apparently that's not good either. The insurance did not want to approve the stay, but our ENT (which we love) send them a bunch of literature and convinced them.

So, about the recovery. The pain lasts 10 days. It's not like there is a lot of pain in the first days and then is gets better and better. No, the pain lasts 10 days. I highly recommend around the clock medication - we alternated ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours. I know that some surgeons do not recommend ibuprofen for fear of bleeding, likely ours did - Tylenol alone just doesn't cut it. Don't worry if and what your child eats. He needs to drink. Ice cream was our friend. A really nice tip we got from the blog below was to use Tylenol suppositories during the night. It really helps if you do not have to wake the child. Remember, around the clock means around the clock - we set the alarm in the middle of the night.

After the recovery was over - sleep improved a lot. No more waking in the middle of the night. Tongue protrusion  which is an ongoing issue for us, got so much better, almost immediately after surgery.

This blog is the best source of mom advice post T&A. Great tips.

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