3 years - accepted IEP

Here are sections of the actual IEP - 3 years old/pre-school.

Necessary accommodations:

• Preferential and supported seating (if necessary) during large and small group times to help maximize his attention to task, while accounting for his low muscle tone.
• Picture schedules of the entire classroom day and specific activities (bathroom, lunch, hanging up belongings) will be used to make the student a more independent preschooler while increasing his understanding of the classroom expectations.
• First/Then boards will be used to help the student independently make transitions, learn the classroom routine as well as to break down tasks into small steps.
• Small groups of peers with teacher direction will be used to continue to foster his social play skills.
Language scripts (12 word phrases/signs) will be modeled to increase his use of language socially.
• A visual timer will be used during group and individual activities to gradually increase attention and
duration of less desired/more difficult tasks.
• Table/desk and chair height to allow feet to rest on floor and elbows supported to improve postural control.
• Position the student against a wall and/or support surface to accommodate his decreased trunk strength.
• Frequent (15 - 20 mins) movement breaks for static sitting activities to keep muscle tone alert.
• Use a toddler spoon that has a wide, textured, curved handle
• Use a small child size cup.
• To compensate for decreased body awareness use a mirror when asking him to point to body parts or
imitate postures or simple movements.
• Use vertical surfaces when possible for fine motor tasks.

There is no modification of the preschool curriculum needed at this time. It will be helpful for teachers to provide the student with multiple presentations of the curriculum using a variety of different methods to see how the student learns best within the daycare setting.

The student will benefit from a total communication approach that will provide him with alternative means (picture paired with print, print, signs) to participate in daily discussions, communicate his wants and needs, and to socially interact with others.

Specific Goals

Goal # 1 Specific Goal Focus: School/Classroom Participation 
Using a total communication approach, the student will independently participate during an in class large group structured activity by signing, verbalizing or choosing a picture with print in 4/5 instances as measured by recorded observational data.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?

• The student will label his friends by name using a sign and/or verbalization when asked “Who is this?” in 4/5
attempts as measured by recorded observational data.
• The student will answer yes/no questions by signing, gesturing and/or verbalizing regarding “Do you want....?”  questions in 4/5 attempts as measured by recorded observational data.
• The student will answer simple what questions (What happened/What is he/she doing/What’s that?# and where questions #Where does— live/Where do you wear—/ Where is the—?)regarding a book read to him in 4/5 attempts as measured by recorded observation data.
• The student will communicate his needs to the teachers (hungry, thirsty, bathroom, help, more of something,
assistance, all done with an activity) with no teacher assistance using signs and/or verbalizations with no
teacher assistance in 4/5 attempts as measured by recorded observational data collection.
• The student will engage in a 1-2 turn taking sequence with a peer using the signs and/or verbalization for my
turn/your turn with no more than 2 visual/verbal models provided in 4/5 attempts measured by recorded
observational data.
• The student will produce single words during a labeling task using initial, medial and final age appropriate
sounds with verbal and visual cues in 4/5 attempts as measured using recorded observational data.

Goal # 2 Specific Goal Focus: School/Classroom Participation 
The student will follow 1 to 2 step directions that are part of his daily routine with the verbal direction provided to him no more than 2 times in 4/5 attempts as measured by recorded observational data.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?

• The student will identify objects by their functions in 4/5 attempts during a picture identification task as measured by recorded observational data.
• The student will identify actions during a picture identification task in 4/5 attempts as measured by recorded
observational data.
• The student will identify the pronouns (he, she, they) during a picture identification task in 4/5 attempts as measured by recorded observational data.
• The student will identify the descriptor concepts (big, wet, little, etc..) during a picture identification task in 4/5 attempts as measured by recorded observational data.
• The student will identify the location concepts (in, on, under, next, front and back) during play in 4/5 attempts as measured by recorded observational data.

Goal # 3 Specific Goal Focus: Gross motor 
The student will demonstrate improved gross motor skills for participation in developmentally appropriate activities as demonstrated by achievement of the following objectives and measured by physical therapy provider over the last month of the marking period.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?

• The student will both ascend/descend 10 stairs alternating feet with railing assistance as needed in 3 out of 4 trials.
• The student will jump down from a step with two foot takeoff and landing in 2 out of 4 trials.
• The student will throw a ball with an overhand throwing motion to hit a target 5 feet away in 2 out of 4 trials.
• The student will kick a rolled ball at least 5 feet in 3 out of 4 trials.
• The student will navigate up/down a 4 inch curb without physical assistance in 2 out of 4 observations.
• The student will navigate across a balance beam without physical assistance in 2 out of 4 observations

Goal # 4 Specific Goal Focus: Fine Motor 
The student will complete a variety of fine motor/visual motor activities including manipulatives (beads, blocks, puzzles, playdoh and arts and crafts) during small group activities as measured by the following objectives.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?

• The student will grasp preschool size marking tools (markers, crayons, pencils) with his fingers with the upper
portion of the tool resting between his thumb and index finger 80% of measured trials.
• The student will stack 6 or more different size blocks 80% of measured trials.
• The student will imitate horizontal and vertical lines and circular scribbles 80% of measured trials.
• Given 2 verbal or visual cues, the student will use one or two hands to rotate at least 6 puzzle pieces of an
8-10 piece form puzzle before placing in board, 80% of measured trials.

Goal # 5 Specific Goal Focus: Activities of Daily Living 
The student will demonstrate improved self-help skills to increase independence within the school setting as measured by the following objectives.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?

• The student will independently eat soft foods (pudding, yogurt) with a spoon, stabilizing the container with his left hand while scooping with his right with minimal spilling, 80% of measured trials.
• The student will pierce soft foods with a fork, bring the food to his mouth, and remove the food from the fork with his lips with minimal spilling 80% of measured trials.
• The student will remove his coat including unzipping 80% of measured trials.
• The student will put on his jacket once set up for him and zip once the zipper is started for him 70% of measured trials.
• The student will pull down his pants in preparation for toileting with minimal assistance 80% of measured
• Using the same cup each time, the student will drink from an open cup with minimal spilling 80% of measured trials.

Service Delivery
Speech Therapy - 2x30min/week
Physical Therapy - 2x30min/week
Occupational Therapy - 2x45min/week

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