4 years - accepted IEP

Here are sections of the actual IEP.

Necessary accommodations:
  • The student will be provided with preferential and supported seating (if necessary) during large and small group times to help maximize his attention to task, while accounting for his low muscle tone. 
  • Picture schedules of the entire classroom day and specific activities (bathroom, lunch, hanging up belongings will be used to make the student a more independent preschooler while increasing his understanding of the classroom expectations. 
  • First/Then boards will be used to help the student independently make transitions, learn the classroom routine as well as to break down tasks into small steps. 
  • Small groups (1-2) of peers with teacher direction will be used to continue to foster his social skills. 
  • Language scripts (2-3 word phrases/signs) will be modeled for the student to increase his use of language socially. 
  • A visual timer will be used during group and individual activities to gradually increase attention and duration of less desired/more difficult tasks. 
  • A total communication approach will be used including ASL signing and spoken language. 
  • The following will be used to increase his participation and understanding of the curriculum being introduced: visual supports, extra time for processing language, and repeated instructions. 
  • Model appropriate sentence structures. 
  • Expand utterances by modeling longer sentence structures. 
  • Directly teach vocabulary. 
  • Provide models of appropriate social skills. Provide ample opportunities to practice social skills with peers. Use of adult play partners to attract and mediate peer interactions.

There is no modification of the preschool curriculum needed at this time. It will be helpful for teachers to provide the student with multiple presentations of the curriculum using a variety of different methods to see how the student learns best within the daycare setting.

The student will benefit from a total communication approach that will provide him with alternative means (picture paired with print, print, signs) to participate in daily discussions, communicate his wants and needs, and to socially interact with others.

Specific Goals

Goal # 1 Specific Goal Focus: Speech and Language 
The student will demonstrate developmentally appropriate expressive language skills to support functional communication within academic and social contexts in 4 out of 5 opportunities with fading prompts and cues to none.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
  • The student  will use the present progressive verb ending -ing during structured activities in 4 of 5 provided opportunities with 0-1 prompts per use. 
  • The student  will use plural -s ending during structured activities in 4 of 5 provided opportunities with 0-1 prompts per use. 
  • The student  will use articles 'a' and 'the' in short phrases or sentences during structured activities in 4 of 5 provided opportunities with no more than I prompt per use. 
  • The student  will use pronouns, starting with the earliest developing pronouns (it, this, that) during unstructured activities or play in 4 of 5 provided opportunities with no more than I prompt per use.
  • The student  will answer (what, who, and where) questions and make comments about past events and/or after reading a book with 70% accuracy given 0-1 prompts per answer. 
  • The student  will formulate basic wh-questions with the correct inflection and prosody during structured language activities with 70% accuracy given moderate cues. 
  • The student will use combinations of four words or understandable representations (e.g. word approximations or signs) within a play activity to request specific objects or to describe what is happening, in 4 out of 5 measured opportunities with moderate cueing.

Goal # 2 Specific Goal Focus: Speech and Language
The student will demonstrate understanding of developmentally appropriate language concepts of quantity, similarity, and relative location within his school

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
  • The student will demonstrate understanding of 4 of the following 5 quantity concepts (none, all, some, one and two) in 70% of opportunities with moderate assistance. 
  • The student will demonstrate understanding of the concepts 'same' and 'different' for pictured vocabulary with 70% accuracy. 
  • The student will demonstrate understanding, followed by use of the locative concepts/spatial prepositions (under, in front of, next to, on) in 4 of 5 opportunities. 
  • The student will sort nouns by their function with 80% accuracy starting with things we wear, followed by things for play. 
  • The student will demonstrate the understanding of temporal concepts (e.g. now. next, before. after) with 70% accuracy and moderate cues.

Goal # 3 Specific Goal Focus: Speech and Language
The student will increase the use of age appropriate pragmatic skills to support functional communication in the classroom. therapy setting, and in social contexts in 4 out of 5 opportunities with fading prompts and cues to none.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
  • The student will initiate an interaction with a peer at least once per session by first gaining the peers attention through eye contact plus verbal or sign communication then making a clear on-topic request or comment using adequate vocal volume given no more than one prompt for gaining attention and one prompt for speaking. 
  • The student will respond to a peer's communication bid, by turning, making eye contact and using clear verbal or sign communication in 4 of 5 measured opportunities with fading prompts and cues to none. 
  • The student will demonstrate appropriate tum-taking in conversation with a peer, taking at least 3 turns or last­ing for at least 2 minutes using verbal or sign communication, in 4 out of 5 opportunities.

Goal # 4 Specific Goal Focus: Speech and Language
The student will improve his speech intelligibility by producing targeted sounds in single words and phrases in 9 out of 10 opportunities with fading

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
  • The student will produce /v, f/ in the initial position with 70% accuracy and moderate cues. 
  • The student will produce phonemes /t,d/ in all positions at the word level with 70% accuracy and moderate cues. 
  • The student will produce phonemes /k,g/ in all positions at the word level with 70% accuracy and moderate cues. 
  • The student will produce /n/ in the initial position of words with 70% accuracy and moderate cues.
  • The student will produce /s/ in the initial position of words with 70% accuracy and moderate cues.

Goal # 5 Specific Goal Focus: Gross motor 
The student will demonstrate improved gross motor skills to participate in age appropriate preschool activities as demonstrated by achievement of the following objectives and measured by physical therapy provider over the last month of the marking period.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
  • The student will both ascend/descend 10 stairs alternating feet with railing assistance as needed in 3 out of 4 trials. 
  • The student will jump down from a step with two foot takeoff and landing in 3 out of 4 trials. 
  • The student will throw a ball a distance of 5 feet with an overhand throwing motion in 2 out of 4 trials.
  • The student will kick a rolled ball 5 feet in 3 out of 4 trials. 
  • The student ill balance on I foot for up to 5 seconds in 2 out of 4 trials. 
  • With upper extremity support the student will hop on his preferred foot 2 consecutive times in 2 out of 4 trials. 

Goal # 6 Specific Goal Focus: Fine Motor 
The student will complete a variety of fine motor/visual motor activities including manipulatives (puzzles, scissors, stringing beads) during small group activities as measured by the following objectives.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
  • The student will grasp preschool-sized marking tools (markers, crayons, pencils, paintbrushes) with a functional grasp to make horizontal and vertical lines in 75% of measured trials. 
  • The student will string 5 small-medium beads on a string in 75% of measured trials. 
  • The student will hold scissors (children's scissors or children's loop scissors) in a functional position to make 2-inch snips in 75% of measured trials. 
  • The student will unzip his lunch bag and open a Ziploc bag to obtain a snack in 75% of measured trials. 
  • The student will imitate or independently draw circles in 75% of measured trials.

Goal # 7 Specific Goal Focus: Activities of Daily Living 
The student will demonstrate improved self-help skills to increase independence within the school setting as measured by the following objectives.

Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
  • The student will rotate his cup to drink independently from an open cup with minimal spilling in 75% of trials.
  • The student will use a spoon/fork to eat a snack/meal with minimal spilling in 75% of trials.
  • In preparation for outside transitions, the student will put on his shoes independently in 75% of trials.
  • Thee student will pull up his pants with minimal assistance or verbal cueing in 75% of trials.
  • Using a keying pull if necessary, the student will use one hand to stabilize coat and the other hand to zip when donning his coat in 75% of measured trials. 

Service Delivery
Speech Therapy - 2x45min/week
Physical Therapy - 2x30min/week
Occupational Therapy - 2x45min/week

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