Necessary accommodations:
- 1:1 close supervision when navigating multiple flights of stairs due his decreased safety awareness and low muscle tone. This support should be faded as determined by classroom teacher and physical therapist.
- Initial 1:1 assistance during alternate activities such as physical education, computer, art, music, library, to access the curriculum due to deficits in motor planning skills during whole class activities. This support should be faded as determined by classroom teacher.
- 1:1 assistance during lunch in the cafeteria to gather his lunch, be directed to a place to eat his lunch with classmates, access all lunch materials, and clean up. This is again due to poor motor planning skills during whole group activities. This support should be faded as determined by classroom teacher.
- The student will be provided with preferential and supported seating (if necessary) during large and small group times to help maximize his attention to task, while accounting for his low muscle tone.
- Picture schedules of the entire classroom day and specific activities (bathroom, lunch, hanging up belongings will be used to make the student a more independent preschooler while increasing his understanding of the classroom expectations.
- First/Then boards will be used to help the student independently make transitions, learn the classroom routine as well as to break down tasks into small steps.
- Small groups (1-2) of peers with teacher direction will be used to continue to foster his social skills.
- Language scripts (2-3 word phrases/signs) will be modeled for the student to increase his use of language socially.
- A visual timer will be used during group and individual activities to gradually increase attention and duration of less desired/more difficult tasks.
- A total communication approach will be used including ASL signing and spoken language.
- The following will be used to increase his participation and understanding of the curriculum being introduced: visual supports, extra time for processing language, and repeated instructions.
- Model appropriate sentence structures.
- Expand utterances by modeling longer sentence structures.
- Directly teach vocabulary.
- Provide models of appropriate social skills. Provide ample opportunities to practice social skills with peers.
- Use of adult play partners to attract and mediate peer interactions.
- Frequent scheduled bathroom breaks.
Specific Goals
Goal # 1 Specific Goal Focus: Speech and Language
STUDENT will improve his receptive and expressive language skills to
support functional communication within academic and social contexts
with the use of total communication (e.g. verbal, gestural, sign,
possibly AAC devices) in 75% of opportunities given modeling and 1-3
cues, as measured by an SLP.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
- The STUDENT will use the present progressive verb ending /ing/ and plural/sf during unstructured play activities in 75% of observed opportunities with 1-3 cues.
- The STUDENT will formulate utterances of 5+ words using total communication (e.g. verbal communication, signs, gestures, AAC devices), including accurate use of the articles a' and the,' within a play activity in 75% of opportunities given modeling and 2-3 cues per phrase/sentence.
- The STUDENT will accurately use personal pronouns (e.g. he, she, and they) with 80% accuracy given modeling and 2-3 cues during structured activities.
- The STUDENT demonstrate understanding of and ability to formulate based wh-questions (e.g. who, what where when) in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something during play or book reading activities in 75% of opportunities given 2-3 cues.
- The STUDENT will sequence pictures/events in the proper order so he can verbally retell those familiar stories (e.g. books, family/personal events, school day activities), including key details and first- then-next language, to both adults and peers with 75% accuracy given visuals and 2-3 cues.
Goal # 2 Specific Goal Focus: Speech and Language
STUDENT will improve his use of age appropriate pragmatic skills to
support functional communication in the classroom, therapy setting, and
social contexts in 80% of opportunities given modeling and 1-3 cues, as
measured by an SLP.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
- The STUDENT will stay on topic when communicating with an adult, then a peer, for at least 3 conversational turns in 4/5 opportunities when participating in structured activities in the therapy or classroom setting, given modeling and 2-3 cues.
- The STUDENT will demonstrate appropriate turn-taking skills (e.g. listening to others, asking and answering questions, responding to comments) during conversations with an adult, then peer, for 3-4 conversational turns in 4/5 opportunities when participating in structured activities in the therapy or classroom setting, given modeling and 2-3 cues.
- The STUDENT will initiate a conversation with a peer (using verbal communication, sign, or gesture) when participating in a classroom or therapy activity in 4/5 opportunities given modeling and 1-2 cues.
Goal # 3 Specific Goal Focus: Speech and Language
STUDENT will improve his speech intelligibility to facilitate
communication with peers and adults by producing targeted sounds in
single words, phrases, and sentences in 75% of opportunities given
modeling and 2-3 cues, as measured by an SLP.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
- The STUDENT will produce /f/ in all word positions at the sentence level with 80% accuracy, given modeling and 1-3 cues.
- The STUDENT will produce /j/ in the initial position of words with 75% accuracy, given modeling and 2-3 cues.
- The STUDENT will produce all alveolar sounds (/l/, /t/, /d/, /v/, /s/, /n/) at the word level with 75% accuracy, given modeling and 2-3 cues.
- The STUDENT will produce 2-3 syllable words with 80% accuracy given modeling and 2-3 cues.
Goal # 4 Specific Goal Focus: Fine Motor
STUDENT will complete a variety off fine motor/visual motor activities
including manipulative (scissors, stringing beads) as well as completing
a classroom writing task as measured by completion of the following
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
- The STUDENT will use a functional pencil grasp to trace a sentence for a classroom writing task in 75% of measured samples by the end of the IEP marking period.
- The STUDENT will use a functional pencil grasp to copy a sentence (from a visual model) for a classroom writing task in 75% of measured samples by the end of the IEP marking period.
- The STUDENT will string 10 beads for a classroom art task in 75% of observations by the end of the IEP marking period.
- The STUDENT will lace a lacing card (at least 8 stitches in and out) in 75% of observations by the end of the IEP marking period.
- The STUDENT will hold paper with his left hand and hold scissors with his right hand to cut 5 inch straight lines within 1/4 inch of the line in 75% of observations by the end of the IEP marking period.
- The STUDENT will hold paper with his left hand and hold scissors with his right hand to cut 5 inch wavy lines within 1/4 inch of the line in 75% of observations by the end of the IEP marking period.
Goal # 5 Specific Goal Focus: Activities of Daily Living
STUDENT will demonstrate improved self-help skills to increase
independence within the school setting as measured by the following
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
- In preparation for outside transitions, The STUDENT will "hook" the zipper and zip his coat in 75% of measured trials.
- The STUDENT will independently unzip his lunch bag and open Ziploc bags and/or snack containers independently to retrieve snacks in 75% of measured trials.
- The STUDENT will use a fork during snack or lunch time with 75% accuracy with feeding as evidenced in random observations by the end of the IEP marking period.
Goal # 6 Specific Goal Focus: Physical Education and Motor Skills
The STUDENT will improve his gross motor skills to support participation in physical education class and recess activities.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
- The STUDENT will catch and throw a balls times during physical education class in 3 out of 4 class observations over the last month of marking period.
- The STUDENT will perform 3 jumping jacks during physical education class warm-ups in 3 out of 4 class observations over the last month of marking period
- The STUDENT will run in line with his peers 50 feet during physical education class warm-ups in 3 out of 4 class observations over the last month of marking period.
- The STUDENT will gallop 25 feet with preferred leg leading in 2 out of 4 physical education classes over the· last month of marking period.
Goal # 7 Specific Goal Focus: English Language Arts
explicit multisensory instruction and teacher modeling on CVC words,
sight words, and sound awareness, The STUDENT will read sentences and
answer basic questions around text and content with 80% accuracy as
measured by oral and written participation, classwork, and
formal/informal testing.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
- Given explicit multisensory instruction and teacher modeling, The STUDENT will blend and segment sounds using manipulatives and finger tapping with 80% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
- Given explicit multisensory instruction and teacher modeling, The STUDENT will read and spell VC and CVC words with 80% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
- Given explicit multisensory instruction and teacher modeling, The STUDENT will express the correct beginning and ending sounds of spoken words with 80% accuracy.
- Given explicit multisensory instruction, teacher modeling, and use of graphic organizers and picture aides, The STUDENT will use his sight word knowledge to read and write in the classroom with 80% accuracy.
- Given explicit multisensory instruction and teacher modeling, The STUDENT will generate spoken then written sentences of three or more words with 80% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
Goal # 8 Specific Goal Focus: Mathematics
explicit instruction, teacher modeling, preview and review of concepts
and use of manipulative and visuals in the area of mathematics, The
STUDENT will demonstrate an understanding of Kindergarten operations,
numbers in base ten, counting and cardinality, and measurement standards
with 70% accuracy as measured by formal and informal classwork, oral
and written participation, and math assessments.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
- Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling, and use of visnals when needed, The STUDENT will count numbers 0-100 in sequence, and skip by l0s to 100 with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
- Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling, and use of visuals when needed, The STUDENT will identify, write, compare, and order numbers 0-20 with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
- Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling, and use of visuals when needed, The STUDENT will demonstrate 1:1 correspondance when counting objects with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
- Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling, and use of manipuiatives and visuals, The STUDENT will add and subtract numbers within 5 with 70%accuracy and fading teacher cues.
- Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling, and use of manipulatives and visuals, The STUDENT will compare groups of objects by indicating more/less, bigger/smaller etc. with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
- Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling, and use of manipulatives and visuals, The STUDENT will name, model and identify 2D/3D shapes with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
Additional Information
The Team agrees to the use of a daily communication sheet to provide brief updates regarding The STUDENT's daily activities.
STUDENT will be placed in an inclusion classroom with the support of a
full-time special education paraprofessional. The paraprofessional will
provide 1:1 support during any writing activity and mathematics
instruction, as well as during all transitions outside of his classroom.
Para support will be faded as The STUDENT makes progress towards
identified benchmarks and in concert with Parent and Team
The Team will meet in
October to review The STUDENT's progress and transition as well as the
trial of an AAC device (Touch Chat, or other augmentative aids).
Attached to this IEP is an Assistive Technology Trial Planning Form.
Service Delivery
Speech Therapy - 3x30min/week
Physical Therapy - 2x45min/week
Occupational Therapy - 3x30min/week
Math Direct Teaching - 2x30min/week
Literacy Direct Teaching - 1x30min/week
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