8 years - parental comments to proposed IEP draft

After about two weeks from the IEP meeting we receive the proposed IEP. We make it very clear that we regard this document as the first IEP draft. See below the letter we sent to the team leader, detailing our comments and requests for editing regarding the proposed IEP. We go through as many iterations of IEP draft/request for modifications as necessary.   

You will notice that I'm providing our comments without providing the actual IEP draft, only the final accepted IEP. Hopefully this is still helpful for you. The important thing is to get an idea of the extent of communication we have with our team regarding the IEP process. I encourage you put challenge your team to put forward the best possible plan on behalf of your child. 

Here is the actual document. Parental comments to the proposed IEP draft
8 years (second grade)

Dear Team Leader,

Thank you for the proposed IEP we have received on March, 2016. We appreciate the time and effort that you and the team members have invested in this document. Attached to this letter are our comments on the proposed IEP. Please make the modifications possible at this time. We appreciate your help. 

The parents

Parental comments to the proposed IEP for The Student
1.       General curriculum accomodations (page 5)
a.       Please edit the third accomodation to increase the length of language scripts, from 2-3 words to 3-4 words,  and remove the reference to sign language: „Small groups (1-4) of peers... Language scripts (3-4 word phrases) will be modeled for The Student ...”
b.      Please include ELA accomodation as recommended in the progress report: „Go over each word that The Student wrote and discuss if it looks/sounds correct. Re-write the correct spelling of difficult wors above The Student’s version of the word.”
c.       Please include an accomodation regarding homework modification.
2.       Other educational needs accomodations (pages 7 and 8)
a.       Regarding help during lunch „Check in during lunch to make sure that The Student ...”: please indicate who is in charge for this accomodation.
b.      As discussed during the IEP meeting – please include that the para-professional will attend one of the pull-out math sessions per week (1x30mins).
3.       Service delivery (page 13).
a.       Academic consult (1x30mins per month) between general education teacher and special education teachers is missing.
b.      Regarding lunch monitors checking in with The Student on a daily basis (paragraph 5 in Additional Information, on page 18) - Please include monthly PT/OT consult throughout the year. This was discussed with PT/OT during March consultation.
4.       Additional information (page 18).
a.       Please edit para-professional support to include 1:1 for math and writing (as per accommodations) and no more than 1:2 during any other academic instruction.
b.      Regarding lunch monitors checking in with The Student on a daily basis (paragraph 5) - Please include an initial PT/OT consultation at the beginning of the year, and periodically throughout the year.
c.       Please include consultation between first grade teacher and second grade teacher at the beginning of the year to ensure continuity of inclusion practices and strategies.

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