Necessary accommodations:
The following accommodations are necessary for The Student
to make effective progress in the general curriculum.
The Student will be provided with preferential
and supported seating (if necessary) during large and small group times to help
maximize his attention to task, while accounting for his low muscle tone.
Picture schedules of the entire classroom day
and specific activities (bathroom, lunch, hanging up belongings) will be used
to make The Student a more independent student while increasing his
understanding of the classroom expectations.
Small groups (1-2) of peers with teacher
direction will be used to continue to foster his social skills.
Language scripts (2-3 word phrases/signs) will
be modeled for The Student to increase his use of language socially.
A visual timer will be used during group and
individual activities to gradually increase attention and duration of less
desired/more difficult tasks.
The following will be used to increase his
participation and understanding of the curriculum being introduced: visual
supports, extra time for processing language, and clarifying instructions.
Model appropriate sentence structures.
Expand utterances by modeling longer sentence
Directly teach vocabulary.
Provide models of appropriate social skills.
Provide ample opportunities to practice social
skills with peers.
During lunch in the cafeteria The Student will
require 1: 1 assistance to gather his lunch, be directed to a place to eat his
lunch with classmates, access all lunch materials, and clean up. This is again
due to poor motor planning skills during whole group activities. This support
should be faded as determined by classroom teacher.
Frequent scheduled bathroom breaks.
Provide The Student with support during
classroom assignments and tests by reading questions aloud, prompting him to
slow down, and reminding him of strategies to solve as needed.
The Student will be placed in an inclusion
classroom with the support of a full-time special education paraprofessional. The
paraprofessional will provide no more than 1:2 support during any academic
instruction. Para support will be faded as The Student makes progress towards
identified benchmarks and in concert with Parent and Team recommendation.
Goal #1
Speech and Language
Current Performance Level: What can
the student currently do? The Student is independently generating 2-4 word
phrases and sentences ("I am making...," "I'm making..."
and "You're making...") and is using s' for regular plural In order
to learn to use articles, The Student participated in structured tasks in which
he used written support to respond to the questions, "What do you
see?" and "What do you hear?" His responses comprise full
sentences, using the articles "a" or "the" (i.e. "I
see a..." and "I hear a ..."). The Student has acquired this
grammatical skill, using it in response to questions and during conversation.
Moreover, he is using articles in various types of sentences including
declarative and interrogative (i.e. "No, it's not a dog." "Can I
have a...?" "I need a..."). In structured tasks, The Student is
able to accurately use subjective pronouns.
Measurable Annual Goal: What
challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect the student to meet by the end
ofthis IEP period? How will we know that the student has reached this
goal? The Student will improve his receptive and expressive language skills
to support functional communication within academic and social contexts in 70%
of opportunities given 0-3 cues, as measured by an SLP.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the
student need to do to complete this goal
- In structured activities, The Student will learn the present tense, in relation to past and future tenses in 70% of opportunities with 0-3 cues.
- The Student will use possessive pronouns (e.g. his, her, ours, and theirs) and possessive nouns (e.g. "eat's") with 70% accuracy given 0-3 cues during structured activities.
- With 70% accuracy given 0-3 cues during structured activities, The Student will identify and use the following concepts-next to, near, far, top, bottom, first, middle, and last.
Goal 2: Speech and Language
Current Performance Level: What can
the student currently do? With his paraprofessional, The Student is using
schedule for the purpose talking about his day with his parents. He builds it
with prompts ("What did you do next?). In his retell, he reads the words
using first-then language. With peers, The Student takes turns when playing
games, requiring no visual aids or prompts. He requires full support to ask
questions of others.
Measurable Annual Goal: What
challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect the student to meet by
the end of this IEP period? How will we know that the student has
reached this goal? The Student will improve his use of age appropriate
pragmatic skills to support functional communication in the classroom, therapy
setting, and social contexts in 70% of opportunities given modeling and 0-3
cues, as measured by an SLP.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the
student need to do to complete this goal?
During games with peers, The Student will
demonstrates understanding of and ability to formulate based wh questions
(e.g. who, what where, when) in 70% of opportunities given 0-3 cues.
The Student will improve his narrative ability
by learning the story elements (e.g. character, setting, events, feelings,
resolution) in order to communicate personal experience to adults and peers
with 70% accuracy given visuals and 0-3 cues.
Goal 3:
Speech and Language
Current Performance Level: What can
the student currently do? The Student independently produces If! in
all positions of 1-3 syllable words using a carrier phrase. It is noted that
during games, he appropriately produces IfI when counting. The Student
requires the cue "teeth together" in order to produce an approximate j'
in the initial position at the word level. In structured activities, The
Student is able to produce (Ill, It/, IdI, In/) given I model per target
word. To produce hi and lsi The Student requires the cue
"Teeth together." The Student used a pacing board to aid in his
production of 2-3 syllable words. The pacing board allowed The Student to
motorically plan the word and to slow down. He is currently producing 2-3
syllable words without the use of the pacing board.
Annual Goal: What challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect
the student to meet by the end of this JEP period? How will we know that
the student has reached this goal? The Student will improve his speech
intelligibility to facilitate communication with peers and adults by producing
targeted sounds in single words and phrases in 70% of opportunities given 0-3
cues, as measured by an SLP.
What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
The Student will produce "j" in all
positions of words at the word then the phrase level with 70% accuracy, given
0-3 cues.
The Student will produce "ch" in all
position of words at the word then the phrase level with 70% accuracy, given
0-3 cues.
The Student will produce "sh" in all
position of words at the word then the phrase level with 70% accuracy, given
0-3 cues. In imitation tasks, The Student will articulate numbers 11 through 19
and ten pairs (20, 30, 40, etc.) with 70% accuracy, given 0-3 cues.
Goal 4: Fine
Performance Level: What can the student currently do? The Student's
fine motor skills continue to improve. The Student is able to form the majority
of the letters correctly. He is working on writing legible words within a
designated area. The Student can cut out a straight line with physical prompts
and is working on cutting out shapes such as a circle and square.
Annual Goal: What challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect
the student to meet by the end of this JEP period? How will we know that
the student has reached this goal? Given accommodations, The Student will
demonstrate improved use of hand skills needed to support participation within
his classroom during handwriting tasks (writing words, producing legible
sentences, writing numbers and cutting) as measured by meeting following
What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
The Student will legibly copy three, 4-6 letter
words with correct formation of letters in the designated area 3 out of 4
opportunities in the last month of the marking period as measured through class
samples, reports, and observations.
The Student will produce a at least 1-2 legible
sentence with appropriate spaces between words in the designated area 3 out of
4 opportunities in the last month of the marking period as measured through
class samples, reports, and observations.
The Student will demonstrate the ability to
write the numbers 1-20, 3 out of 4 opportunities in the last month of the
marking period as measured through class samples, reports, and observations.
Given accommodations, The Student will increase his cutting in the classroom by
demonstrating the ability to cut out a circle and a square within 1/8inch of a
line 3 out of 4 opportunities in the last month of the marking period as
measured through class samples, reports, and observations.
Goal 5:
Activities of Daily Living
Performance Level: What can the student currently do? The Student
clearly wants to be independent in self-care tasks and has demonstrated
significant improvements in the past school year. Currently, The Student is
working hooking and zipping his coat.
Annual Goal: What challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect
the student to meet by the end of this JEP period? How will we know that
the student has reached this goal? The Student's self-help skills will
improve in the school setting 3 out of 4 opportunities during the last month of
the marking period as measured by the following objectives.
What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
accommodations, in preparation for outside transitions, The Student will
"hook" the zipper and zip up his coat independently on 3 out of 4
opportunities with 75% accuracy as measured through class samples, reports, and
observations. Given accommodations, The Student will button and unbutton 4,
I-inch buttons on 3 out of 4 opportunities with
75% accuracy
as measured through class samples, reports, and observations
The Student will follow a toileting schedule to
decrease the frequency of accidents in the school setting
The Student will improve his independence during
snack and lunch times including wiping his face and using his utensils
Goal 6:
English Language Arts
Performance Level: What can the student currently do? DRA: 3 The
Student has made excellent gains. While he is developing his skills for
blending and segmenting sounds, he is able to blend and segment syllables with
70% accuracy. While The Student has difficulty with some sound awareness skills
such as rhyming, it may be related to the complex language involved with the
concept (identify a word which has a different beginning and the same ending).
He is able to identify the beginning and ending sounds of words with 80%
Annual Goal: What challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect
the student to meet by the end of this IEP period? How will we know that
the student has reached this goal? The Student will read then retell a
grade-level story with 80% accuracy, given fading cues including pictures in 3
of 4 sessions.
What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
The Student will blend and segment, then read
and spell 3-4 sounds (cat, clip) in 1-2 syllable words and nonsense words with
80% accuracy, given fading cues.
The Student will answer "wh" questions
regarding a story with 80% accuracy, given fading cues.
The Student will read grade level text and
identify then express what the story is about with 80% accuracy, given fading
Given explicit multisensory instruction, teacher
modeling, and use of graphic organizers and picture aides, The Student will
answer comprehension questions by writing 1 sentence, given fading cues with
80% accuracy.
Goal 7: Mathematics
Performance Level: What can the student currently do? The Student is
a sweet boy who participates in our small group with enthusiasm. At times, The
Student requires redirection to follow directions or keep objects
(manipulatives, writing implements) out of his mouth, but he responds
positively to teacher cues. To date we have worked on identifying, ordering,
and counting numbers 0-20 in sequence, 1: 1 correspondence (with both
manipulation of physical objects, and static finger pointing/counting),
more/fewer concepts, and writing numerals. The Student has strength in his ability
to identify numbers 0-20. Further he is able to write numbers 0-20 that have been dictated to
him with approximately 70% accuracy when models are provided. Numbers in the
teens as well as 20, are newer concepts, and are still being developed. The
Student has made recent gains in his ability to static count 0-20 with 1: 1
correspondence. On 10/20/14, The Student was able to count 0-10 (using physical
manipulatives) with 80% accuracy, but count static objects with >50%
accuracy. On 1/29/15, The Student counted 0-20 (static counting) with 80%
accuracy. The Student is still developing his understanding of his more or
fewer, and is using ten frames, number lines, and hundreds charts to build
these concepts. As we continue we will work more on these concepts, as well as
continued counting skills, and the development of addition strategies.
Measurable Annual Goal: What
challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect the student to meet by the end of
this IEP period? How will we know that the student has reached this goal? Given
explicit instruction, teacher modeling, preview and review of concepts and use
of manipulatives and visuals in the area of mathematics, The Student will
demonstrate an understanding of Kindergarten and first grade operations,
numbers in base ten, counting and cardinality, and measurement standards with
70% accuracy as measured by formal and informal classwork, oral and written
participation, and math assessments.
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the
student need to do to complete this goal?
Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling,
and use of visuals when needed, The Student will orally count numbers 0-100 in
sequence, and skip count by 10s with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
Given explicit teacher instruction, hand over
hand modeling when needed, and use of visuals, The Student will demonstrate 1-1
correspondence when counting objects or pictures with 80% accuracy and fading
teacher cues.
Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling,
and use of visuals when needed, The Student will identify, write, compare, and
order numbers 0-100 with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling,
and use of charts, number lines, manipulatives or visuals, The Student will
compare groups of objects by indicating more/less, and bigger/smaller etc. with
70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling,
and use of manipulatives and visuals, The Student will add and subtract numbers
within 10 with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
Given explicit teacher instruction, modeling,
use of visuals, and with the teacher reading problems aloud, The Student will
solve addition and subtraction numbers stories through using manipulatives,
drawings, pictures, or numbers with 70% accuracy and fading teacher cues.
Goal 8: Physical Education & Motor Skills
Current Performance Level: What can
the student currently do? The Student is able to complete most typical PE
warm ups without modifications/assistance. These include running, galloping, skipping,
jumping, as well as hopping. The Student is beginning to complete 2 step
activities such as jumping jacks and mountain climbers. The Student is an eager
and enthusiastic participant in large group activities which this year have
included soccer, basketball, and hockey. He requires assistance in executing
multistep directions although this is improving as well. Catching and throwing
a small ball continue as areas of need
Measurable Annual Goal: What
challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect the student to meet by the end
of this IEP period? How will we know that the student has reached this goal? The
Student will improve participation in age appropriate physical education class
as demonstrated by the following objectives, achieved over the last month of
marking period.
What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
The Student will follow a two-step PE teacher
direction such as "kick the ball, then run, throw the ball, then run, pick
up the ball and throw it over the net, etc, without additional prompts in 2 out
of 4 opportunities.
The Student will catch a small ball thrown overhand
from a distance 5 feet in 3 out of 4 opportunities during a PE activity.
The Student will throw a small ball overhand 5
feet to a peer in 3 out of 4 opportunities during a PE activity.
The Student will complete 5 jumping jacks and/or
mountain climbers during PE class in 3 out of 4 opportunities.
Very helpful. Thank you so much!